Group Moovs
The next level You!
We believe that fostering authenticity, agility and appreciation is something that should start early in life. We believe that authenticity is the key to personal growth, to becoming the best version of yourself. We believe that agility in learning is needed more than ever before if we are to stay fit for the challenges that life presents to us. We believe that appreciation is needed if we are to build on people’s strengths.
We believe in lifelong learning as the new norm.
In a world of neverending hypes and obsessions, lifelong learning stands for sustainable growth. Only those who are well-educated, well-trained and well-developed as people are able to remain agile, flexible, adaptive and relevant.
People must remain relevant, and organizations must keep investing in their people’s training and development. All of which means that people and organizations must choose to embrace the radical future of life and work – the alternative is becoming redundant. To manage this lifelong process, we have to learn how to architect lifelong learning along with work, family life, and leisure time in order to move with confidence towards a constantly unfolding and uncertain future.
Architecting lifelong learning demands an approach that is:
Top quality learning content and learning experiences
Micro learning, learning to support performance
Blended face-to-face and measurable digital learning
Our values are focused on supporting people to reach their full potential
Curiosity | Only when we keep searching for the best and the new can we be surprisingly
Courageous | To reinvent you have to follow paths you don’t know you love
Love | We care for people and value social interaction
Gratitude | We are grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to education and people’s positive growth
Positivity | We believe in making dreams come true
How do you stay agile and flexible? How do you properly prepare your employees for new challenges? Group Moovs is launching the GM Stay Relevant Stories to help you with this. Each month we inspire you through a different theme to remain agile and flexible, and to face an uncertain future positively. Discover our tips for more relevance in this month’s inspiration boost.