Our goal is to create a society governed for all
In order to solve real issues we need a perspective on society that is inclusive and participative. Only then will we be able to solve real problems and issues and grow innovation. The challenges in social, economic and environmental areas call for cross-border colloboration and connection between governments, policy-makers and communities.
Policy-making on every lever is needed in order to deal with today’s problems; things like recovering from the pandemic, climate change, supporting innovation, and overcoming poverty and inequality. The problems of today are complex and demand critical thinking with many perspectives. The aim should be to realize a society that leaves no one behind; a society of human security.
We believe that the way forward is to contribute to the goals of the various international agendas of the G20, UN, OECD etc., as well as local statements on participation, energy, gender equality, and the promotion of women’s empowerment. There are many social challenges to face worldwide, which is why we seek a shared understanding of these at a global level.
Commitment from municipalities is essential, because many of the goals overlap with tasks that are the responsibility of local authorities. Examples include reducing inequality, social integration, a safe living environment and liveable cities, sustainable production and consumption, and qualitative and participatory governance. The challenges faced by municipalities are large and numerous, and must be tackled from areas as varied as the information society, municipal implementation, the physical domain, the inclusive society, and democratic governance.
We believe in the power of engagement groups and think tanks, cross-border business groups, women’s groups, youth groups, trade unions, universities and other thinkers.
Our Solutions
- Leadership in strategic (policy) processes
- Political administrative sensitivity
- Internal advisers course
- Public domain leadership
- Strategic movement in municipal fields of force
- Women leadership in the Public Domain
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