Bring Your Strengths to Life & Live More Fully

Join the over 13 million people who have taken the only free, scientific survey on character strengths.

Everyone has innate talents and skills in them. Making use of these strengths is key to professional excellence and personal development. But identifying strengths can be complicated, confusing and incredibly time consuming. Values ​​in Action® shows in research that knowing and applying our unique “strong character profile” increases our satisfaction with life and well-being. Values ​​in Action is a simple and effective way for each of us to learn more about ourselves and provide our personalized paths to happiness.

Professionals who work with others in optimizing their performance know that understanding strong character traits is fundamental to developing new routes of engagement, fulfillment and satisfaction. VIA systematically examines what is best in people, believing that there is more potential if we emphasize what is good in people instead of what is wrong. VIA can help you discover what you were born to do and has already been taken from more than 2.6 million people.

Committed employees are enthusiastic and have a further interest in their organization. Research shows that the majority of employees are not engaged and unconnected with their work. If employees are not engaged, this leads to poorer performance and lower productivity, while employee involvement leads to higher performance and productivity. A 3-year survey of employee engagement at Crabb (2011) has shown that one of the primary drivers of employee engagement in organizations is the implementation of strong character traits.

The Values ​​in Action® (VIA) classification describes 24 strengths that are considered fundamental building blocks of character. These building blocks are universally regarded as qualities. Character strengths are defined as capacities for thinking, feeling and behavior. Each person possesses each of these 24 character strengths to varying degrees, resulting in unique profiles that form a “rich array” of human personalities.

The approach to individual and team functioning based on character traits is very valuable for growth. We start with a first impression of each other’s profile. After the training one can further elaborate on this (eg as buddies or by the internal coach). They gain insight into their own top 5 character traits, learn to align character traits with possible tasks, learn as a team to see which traits are necessary for success and learn to value each other for each other’s talents. For teams, 7 functions can be named, such as collecting information, making decisions, influencing, generating ideas, etc. By linking character traits to the functions it becomes clear who can make a strong contribution where, which character traits are unique to 1 person, what needs to be developed etc. We make a team plot in advance. In the training we also work from the positive character traits of people, which are compared to the team functions.

Please discover in 15 minutes what your best character strengths are: Values in Action