In a dynamic job market requiring continuous growth and adaptation, it’s essential to understand and effectively utilize your talents. This enhances not only your value as a professional but also your ability to innovate and excel in your field.  


CliftonStrengths, founded by American psychologist Donald Clifton, offers a globally recognized assessment that identifies individuals’ top talents from a list of 34 talents. Based on over 50 years of research, it has helped over 25 million people worldwide discover and leverage their unique talents for personal growth and professional success. This scientifically supported approach provides profound insights into your natural talents and those of your team.  

CliftonStrengths helps individuals become aware of their talents, develop them into strengths, and maximize their full potential. It results in higher engagement, better collaboration, and improved outcomes.

How do we proceed? 

CliftonStrengths can be utilized for individual coaching and development, team building, and training for leaders and managers. 

0. Assessment

Participants will complete the online CliftonStrengths talent assessment in preparation. Afterward, they will receive a personal report with a unique top 10 talents and a full ranking of 34 talents. Merely identifying talents is not enough. A talent only becomes a strength when it is developed through time investment, knowledge, and skills.
Talent X Investment = Strength 

 1. Individual coaching

Individual coaching sessions, discussing the CliftonStrengths report, provide deep insights into participants’ talents and assist in creating a personal action plan to consciously leverage these talents for achieving professional goals.

Research indicates that working in a strengths-based environment leads to six times more engagement at work and three times higher quality of life. 

2. Team training

Team training starts with identifying unique talents within the team, and helping participants optimize these talents for both personal and team goals. Through CliftonStrengths, interactive and practical methods participants gain insights into each other’s talents, develop a shared language around strengths, form work buddies based on different talents, and collaboratively devise action plans to achieve their objectives. This leads to more effective, more motivated team members and higher team performance.

Research shows that teams focusing on strengths are not only 12.5% more productive but also 8.9% more profitable.

3. Leaders and managers training 

The training begins with discovering leaders’ and managers’ talents, followed by learning how to effectively utilize and aim these talents to achieve the best results within their team . Additionally, the training includes coaching team members utilizing their CliftonStrengths to develop themselves, bring focus and increase their performance. After this training, participants understand their talents and can effectively apply their strengths to both individual behaviors and team dynamics, promote team development, build strong and constructive relationships, and identify and optimize team talents. 

The most effective leaders and managers understand and appreciate their team members’ talents, utilizing this knowledge to make their teams successful. 

In summary, CliftonStrengths offers a scientifically grounded method to deeply understand and leverage your natural talents and those of your team, resulting in increased engagement, enhanced collaboration, and outstanding performance.